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P e r s o n a l i z e d  C a r e  T o  Y o u r  N e e d s 


  • All physician & exam visits, imaging review (5 per year)

  • Telemedicine option

  • Urgent visits/treatments (4 per year)

  • Trigger point and occipital nerve blocks

  • Infrared therapy (excludes Botox injections, which is an additional cost)

  • Cryotherapy (once available)

  • Aromatherapy (individual consultation available upon request)

  • 24/7 cell phone and email access to your provider (excluding vacation times)

  • Priority appointment scheduling 

  • Access to online electronic medical records

  • Personal care coordinating services


  • Adults over 18 years

    • $450/month $5,400/year - $5k if paid in full 

  • Children visits

    • up to age 18 (parent members only)  

    • $550 - 60 minute initial consultation 

    • $400 per follow-up visit
      Children NOT allowed to use facilities*

  • Non-members: One-time consultation or headache specialist referral - $00

  • Adults

    • Initial consultation (60 minutes) - $575

    • Second-opinion consultation (90 minutes) - $775

    • Children (60 minutes) -$700

We offer highly individualized care aimed to improve lives for patients with headaches, using both cutting edge scientific medication, holistic, and restorative natural remedies. We partner with each patient to create customized solutions for their unique needs.

Schedule An Appointment

S c h e d u l e  A n  A p p o i n t m e n t  T o d a y

When you are living with acute or chronic pain, you have already waited long enough! That is why at the Headache Center of Hope, we schedule appointments within days, not weeks or months. We are always accepting new patients—just contact us directly to schedule an appointment.

Office Hours

Monday through Friday 9 am to 5 pm


Phone: 1 513 898-9400

Toll-Free: 1 844 909-HOPE


To talk to a Healthcare Center of Hope care professional just fill out the form and submit.
We will be in touch shortly. 

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